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Voice of Iran : "message not delivered"

Photo du rédacteur: Sirine AlkonostSirine Alkonost

At dawn, today. Tehran-Paris. A few minutes of connexion on an encrypted instant messenging service. We never know when we might get cut, nor for how long.

There's this rumor spreading. We don't know where it started from. It's impossible to tell wether it's reliable.
Which rumour ?
They say that, within three days tops, there will be a drastic change, regarding the internet.
You mean, like, a complete black out for several days?
No, I think maybe they're going to do it for real this time.
Do what ?
Move on to the next stage. They 're gonna switch us all in their "national internet " for good.
That's it then... I guess we were on point, the other day when we were talking about North Corea.
Anyway, if it's true, we won't be able to talk any more. Starting anytime now.
If I get arrested, you will know. And don't forget, you shouldn't take anyone's advice.
And then, make noise. Don't listen to anyone who tells you it's wiser to keep a low profile. You make noise.
Ok (message not delivered)


Texte disponible en français : Voix d'Iran: "message non distribué"


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