Just like twinning, which springs from the idea that it is easier to go to war when you don't know one another, and that the best way to preserve peace is to fraternize, to get to know each other, to become friends, siblings, "twins", even - the idea of the Iran Bond project is exactly what it sounds like: it's all about bonding.

Any Westerner who reads this message can easily find an Iranian to bond with by exchanging a few words from time to time, asking for news, exchanging cooking recipes, reading tips, or even cheat codes for gaming.
There's no limit to the topics two people could bond over.
All you need to do is find an Iranian who's willing to get to know you.
In no time, you will probably know their first name, age and basic aspirations, maybe their favorite Netflix series too, or the number of siblings they have.
If every Westerner who reads this message does indeed go in search of an Iranian who speaks at least a little of their language (most Iranians can manage in English, and many speak other European languages) and offers them to "bond ", then not only would we be richer in this bond, but also, a bit like when we lined up two by two when we were little, for school outings, so that it would be easier to spot those who got lost, well, it will be more difficult for the Islamic Republic to decimate us in silence.
They will find it difficult to brutalize us in all impunity, because we will have friends.
Thanks to the Iran Bond project, there could be people all over the world who know us personally and care about us.
People in the free world with whom we will be on a first name basis, and who will get all fired up and ask for explanations if we were harmed.
If you want to be one of them, join the initiative and make it happen.
How? Well, just just use the hashtag #iranbond in your posts, and be patient, Rome wasn't built in a day.
If the Iranians you approach seem suspicious or reluctant, don't be offended.
Don't take it personally and move on to the next one.
If they refuse to talk politics, don't be surprised. Distrust and caution are their daily lot, and the guarantee of their survival.
It's not mandatory to talk about politics or revolutionary plans when you make new friends, after all.
Some may tell you that it's futile, or that there's more to it, or that they find it dangerous to talk to strangers, but you have to keep hope and persevere, and it will eventually catch, sometimes you just need to blow a little bit longer on the embers.
Once the fire catches, then it will become easier and easier to create these connexions, throughout Iran and throughout the West. The lights will be on.
For now, it's time to turn on the first lamps.
So, always use the hashtag #iranbond when you reach out to a potential new friend, and attach the following link to your first message:https://femmevieliberte.wixsite.com/my-site/post/project-iranbond-day-1).
When they click, they will reach the Iran Bond homepage, where we will upload, over the next few days, the few paragraphs you have just read, translated into a number of languages.
And of course, share this initiative as much as possible, the Iran Bond project will only make sense if it goes viral.
If you're not sure what to write for your "first contact", here is a template you can use :
Hello (name of Iranian profile contacted)
My name is (your name) and I am from (your city/country).
I am interested in what is happening in Iran and I would like to support the Iranian people and fight ignorance and isolation, by bonding with Iranians and getting to know them and their country.
I saw that you were also interested in (shared hobby or special interest) and I suggest that we connect with one another, as suggested by the #iranbond project. If you don't know what it is, look it up here https://femmevieliberte.wixsite.com/my-site/post/project-iranbond-day-1
If you're interested, just hit me up with a reply, using the #iranbond hashtag, and if you're not, please still accept my warmest encouragements in your struggle.
Also, either way, feel free to share this message with fellow Iranians who may be interested to join.
Talk to you soon, I hope.
Take good care of yourself,
Text also available :
in french : https://femmevieliberte.wixsite.com/my-site/post/iran-bond
in italian : https://femmevieliberte.wixsite.com/my-site/post/progetto-iranbond-giorno-1
in other languages soon !